Fusion Textile Artists : LOST WORDS



10 September – 27 October 2024

Fusion is a group of 13 textile and mixed media artists based in the North East of England. They meet regularly to give mutual support, advice, and encouragement; exchange practical ideas; and exhibit together.

They often work towards a common theme and each artist has a different approach– producing a range of work which is diverse in both technique and perception. The theme of ‘Lost Words’ has given much scope for interpreting lettering and written work in a variety of exciting ways.

The world is changing rapidly on so many fronts – climate, pollution, wildlife, travel, communications. Our use of words has reflected this: social media has heralded the arrive of ‘text speak’ and shortforms, new words and acronyms are constantly being added to our vocabulary, while older words and phrases cease to have the same meaning for a younger generation.

The printed word on the page is becoming less common as electronic memories take over, and documents and letters from many years ago may have lost their significance in un-accessed archives. Discussions around the possible interpretations of this title have led to an appreciation of the diversity of views, both of words and of art.

Below : Artist- Victoria Mc Leod

thumbnail P1010345 c Victoria McLeod 600
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Above : Artist - Di Pickering

thumbnail P1010516 c Rhiannon Robinson 600

Above : Artist - Rhiannon Robinson

thumbnail Lost Words detail Deb Cooper Textile Art

Above : Artist - Deb Cooper

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14 Bailiffgate, Alnwick, Northumberland NE66 1LX
Opening Times - 10am - 4pm Tuesday to Sunday 

Tel: +44 (0) 1665 605847

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