Adopt an Object

So many unique objects to adopt

Each item in our collection has its own curious and fascinating story before ending up at Bailiffgate, where it starts a new life. If you adopt an object you help us raise essential funds to support the Museum and Gallery. You also  become part of that story yourself.

Adoption costs just £50 a year for an individual and £100 for a company. All proceeds go to Bailiffgate to help us preserve and celebrate the heritage of Alnwick and and provide a community, educational and tourist resource.

Your donation brings you a special adoption certificate, a digital image of your object, free museum visits to see your item all year. Your name can be credited on our website, and in the display near your item if you wish, or someone you wish to be remembered by your adoption. 

For companies, we offer your logo on our website and a name credit near the item, an invitation to attend our special exhibition launch events throughout the year, a special adoption certificate, a digital image of your object, and the chance for a photo opportunity with the item to use on your website or in local press.

Whether you use adoption as a gift for a friend, your company, or for yourself, it is a wonderful way to support your local community. 

The adoption objects below illustrate some of the wide variety of items open to you. Some may currently be adopted, but near the end of their term. Please put all objects of interest to you into your basket and checkout. We will contact you to explain the situation on your chosen objects and the options available. You have made no committment until any adoption has been mutually agreed. 

Adoptn and Object for web

For more information, or for company sponsorship, please contact us

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