Eva at the door

How old do children have to be to enjoy Bailiffgate?

Intrepid reporters Thea and Eva set out to investigate…

Having volunteered for years at the museum and listened to so many children of all ages enjoying themselves, it was the turn of my own granddaughters Thea aged 3 ¾ and Eva aged 1 ¾ . On Saturday we visited, and I had the wonderful experience of seeing the museum through their eyes.

Initially they were a little concerned about the full-sized figures of the printer and the school teacher which towered above them, but they soon overcame their worries and settled down to a happy morning in the school room. They were very excited at the discovery of the mouse school room underneath ,and thought they were the only children who knew about it. However, building a cardboard castle upstairs in the gallery was the definite winner with them. We could only persuade them to leave with the promise they could come back to Bailiffgate on their next visit to Alnwick !

I need not have worried about an age barrier. The museum is child friendly, indeed at almost any age, and my girls talked of little else for days..

at desk for web 1

Above :Thea enjoys working at an old-style school desk just like one Grandma used.

Featured Image : Eva enjoys exploring their castle!

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14 Bailiffgate, Alnwick, Northumberland NE66 1LX
Opening Times - 10am - 4pm Tuesday to Sunday 

Tel: +44 (0) 1665 605847

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