Alnwick Through the Lens
Exhibition. 1st April 2025- 11th May 2025.
This exhibition began with a collaboration between Alnwick Civic Society and Alnwick Camera Club to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Civic Society in 2024. The aim of the was to capture the town as it is today for future generations to look back on, including its historical buildings and the many new developments and repurposing of existing buildings.
In addition Bailiffgate has searched its archives, and added to the exhibition by displaying photographs of the town landscape from a variety of historic periods.
Information boards and location maps will give visitors the chance to track changes to the town and its surroundings. The development of photographic equipment will be shown through displays from the museum's collection.
Visitors are also encouraged to contribute to the exhibition by writing about their memories of the town and attaching their notes to an interactive gallery wall. Photocopies or scans of photographs can also be brought into the museum, to attach to the wall. Please note the museum cannot photocopy, scan or accept original photographs. Children will be given the space and resources to design & display their own images and plans for an Alnwick of the future.
The Alnwick Civic Society was formed in 1974 to conserve and enhance the built environment of the ancient historical market town of Alnwick – the aim is to promote high standards of planning, to educate the public about the history and architecture of the town and to secure the preservation of features of historic public interest. The Society provides a voice for members, organises public meetings, develops publications and engages in a wide range of other activities.
Alnwick and District Camera Club was originally formed in 1901 by a group of chemists and their friends who all used film and printed pictures in the darkroom. The Club closed during the two great wars and opened again in 1952. It has met every Wednesday from September to April ever since. There are nearly 50 members from all walks of life with different approaches to photography. Most Club members now photograph and print digitally though one or two still use film and have darkrooms.

Above : Alnwick Corn Exchange now
Below : The interior of the Corn Exchange in its heyday