Donate to Bailiffgate
We'd really appreciate your help
Bailiffgate Museum and Gallery is a small, independent organisation led and run by a team of dedicated volunteers. We are a charity and receive no fixed central or local government funding. We raise our own income, including from the generosity of our supporters. We are award winning, and aim to constantly improve the presentation of our collections and exhibitions. Any amount you are able to donate will be very gratefully received and carefully used.
The secure link below allows you to make an immediate donate quickly and easily, using either a credit or debit card or Paypal. Any amount will be most welcome, although we do detail some current projects in need of support.
If you wish to make a donation by cheque please make this payable to "Bailiffgate Museum and Gallery". It would be very helpful if you could also send a completed Gift Aid form with your cheque, as we can then claim 25% extra on your donation.
If you wish to leave us a legacy by remembering us in your will, please contact us, or feel free to contact us to discuss other options.