Bailiffgate Museum is a volunteer-run service to the community. Our aim is always to offer the best possible experience to our visitors. If at any time, however, you have experienced any problem with our service, then do please tell us. Below is the formal complaints procedure, should that prove necessary:
Complaint made in person at the museum
In the first instance if you are in the museum, then please raise your complaint with the person on the Front of House desk who will attempt to resolve your complaint informally. They will, however still record your complaint on a Complaint Log for the information of the museum.
Complaint made via email or post
If you have left the museum before making the complaint please write to the museum email address or postal address (14, Bailiffgate, Alnwick, NE66 1LX) and address your letter to the Museum Coordinator stating the details of your complaint, the consequences for you as a result, and the remedy you are seeking.
You can expect your complaint to be acknowledged within 7 working days of receipt. You should get a response and an explanation within 15 working days.
Should you still be unsatified with our response (Stage 2):
Complaint made in person at the museum
If you are not satisfied with the initial response to the complaint by the person at the Front of House, they will pass this on to the Museum Coordinator or other appropriate person should they be available in person.
If there is no member of staff available or the member of staff cannot resolve the complaint, please write to the museum email address or postal address (14, Bailiffgate, Alnwick, NE66 1LX) and address your letter to the Museum Coordinator.
The Museum Coordinator will aim to resolve the complaint and contact you within 7 days of the complaint being made.
In the unlikely event that the Museum Coordinator cannot, or does not have the authority to resolve your complaint, or you are not happy with the response from the Museum Coordinator, then your complaint will move to a final stage. Please send your concerns to Chairman of Trustees, email or via our postal address. The Chair of the Board will respond within 7 days of the complaint being referred.
Complaint made via email or post
If you are not satisfied with the initial response to your written complaint, we will pass this complaint onto the Museum Coordinator or other appropriate person. The Museum Coordinator or other nominated person will aim to resolve your complaint and contact you within 7 days of the complaint being made If you are not happy with the response at this stage then your complaint will move to the final stage . Please send your concerns to the Chairman of Trustees, email or via our postal address.
Our aim is to resolve all matters as quickly as possible. However, some issues may be more complex and therefore require longer to be fully investigated. Consequently, timescales given for handling and responding to complaints are indicative. If a matter requires more detailed investigation, you will receive an interim response describing what is being done to deal with the matter, and when a full
reply can be expected and from whom.
If your complaint has not been satisfactorily resolved then it will be referred to the Chair of the Board by the person dealing with it at Stage 2, or as the complainant you are welcome to email the Chair direct. The Chair of the Board will respond within 7 days of the complaint being referred.