The reaction to the current Viking exhibition has been excellent. News about changes to Covid restrictions from 19th July will enable us to enhance what we offer without compromising the wellbeing and safety of our visitors and volunteers.
There are two very popular activities that were originally planned as part of the exhibition that we are now able to add:
- Firstly, there will be a small selection of Viking costumes made by our volunteers for visitors of all ages to try on. Taking “selfies” in carefully made costumes is now a much-loved tradition in Bailiffgate Museum and Gallery
- In addition to that we have an exhibit which came from Jorvik which enables visitors to print their own “rune messages”.
We want to make sure that everyone is able to enjoy Bailiffgate, and these additional activities, and would ask you to continue with the following:
- Please wear a face covering if you are over 11 years old (unless exempt).
- Do not enter the museum if you have Covid symptoms or are awaiting a test result.
- Please sanitise your hands on entering and before using the interactive displays.
- We prefer you to use Track and Trace.
- As always, please remember that you are welcome to try out any of the available activities in Bailiffgate at your own risk.
I hope you enjoy visiting the exhibition as much as we enjoyed creating it. If you have yet to see our film of Vikings arriving at Alnmouth you will find it here. .