Dovecote Street Arts brings “Crit’ to Alnwick Feb 25th
‘The Crit’ Tuesday February 25th 7pm
Venue: Bailiffgate Museum & Gallery
Dovecote Street Arts brings their monthly “Crit’ to Alnwick
Do you make art? Why not bring along something you have made, or a piece of art you love and share it with us at The Crit.
The Crit is a hands-on chance to engage with, discuss, and share art in a dynamic & supportive setting.
These informal gatherings are an opportunity to share a passion, learn about something new, meet other creative practitioners, ask for help, or promote your work.
Bring something to share. or just turn up and join the conversation.
Refreshments provided, free entry (although you are welcome to if you wish, so we know you’re coming)
For any further details please email
Availability: 48 in stock